Spring Monoprint

Click the picture to see a larger version.

This is my second monoprint. The process I used was to draw and scrape back watersoluble media on an overhead transparency film and then use a roller on the back of a wet piece of paper placed over the overhead to transfer the media to the paper.

I took three photos of my garden with my iPhone to use as reference. I made a composite of the three on my iPad using the Sketch Club app.

Spring Monoprint Photo Reference

Click the picture to see a larger version.

Here is a scan of the finished plate on the overhead backed by white paper before I transferred the drawing to paper.

Spring Monoprint Plate

Click the picture to see a larger version.

I really liked how it looked on the overhead transparency. I was reluctant to print it because printing, of course, destroys the plate. That’s why it is called a monoprint. You can’t have your cake and eat it too. I didn’t know how it would turn out. Sometimes you just have to take a leap of faith.

I used different watersoluble media and different paper on this one compared to my first monoprint. My goal was to achieve subtler effects and more detail. I’m excited that it worked.

Strathmore 400 Series Mixed Media paper, Mod Paint Sticks and Arteza Real Brush pens on Apollo Write-On Transparency Film. Image is 5.5×7.5 inches (14×19 cm).
