Sometimes at the end of the day I’ll relax by doing a sketch. I had moved the potted geraniums out of the greenhouse to the back porch for the summer. I sat down and practiced my brush technique. The method I used is called Direct Watercolor. You draw the shapes directly without first laying out the scene with pencil or pen. I first painted the major shapes in lightly with a watery mix of colors and let that dry. Next, I added the midtones putting two colors on the brush at once so they blended on the page. Finally, I added a little very dark color to make it pop.
Strathmore Series 400 Watercolor paper 5.5×8.5 inches (14×21.6 cm), 1 inch flat brush, medium size round waterbrush, Daniel Smith watercolors.
This method is fast but difficult because you are doing everything at once on the fly and there is no going back or making corrections. It’s like walking a tightrope without a net.