Four Works

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I experimented with four different media this week – colored pencil, monotype, oil painting, and sketching with ink and watercolor.

On Monday I drove Kris to an appointment. I knew I’d have about a half hour wait. So, I brought some art supplies with me and did a sketch in the parking lot.

Parking lot

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Cars are always a challenge.

Strathmore 400 Series Mixed Media paper 9×12 inches (22.9×30.5 cm), ballpoint pen, colored pencils. Image is 7.5×10 inches (19.5×25.5 cm).

Some new art supplies arrived, but I had to wait a couple of days to try them. I got some student grade oil paint sticks and I wanted to see how they worked for monotyping and for painting on paper. I tried the monotype first. I painted on a plastic wrap plate, scraped some details back, and then transferred the paint to paper by rolling the back of the plastic wrap and also drawing on the back with the pointed end of a spoon.

Lodgepole Pines

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It’s easy to mix colors, blend them with a finger, and scratch back to lighten a color.

Strathmore Vision Watercolor paper 6×9 inches (15.2×22.9 cm), Jack Richeson Shiva Oil Artist Paintstiks on a Saran Wrap plastic plate. Image is 5×7 inches (12.5×17.8 cm).

Next I used the paint sticks to do a small oil painting on paper.

At the Beach

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I always enjoyed working with oil paints, but I’ve never liked the smell, clean up, and length of time to dry. These paint sticks are a nice alternative to tube paints. There is no smell, no brushes to clean, and they dry in 24 hours.

Strathmore Vision Watercolor paper 6×9 inches (15.2×22.9 cm), Jack Richeson Shiva Oil Artist Paintstiks.

Finally for fun I did a watercolor sketch.

Cascade Head

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I did this one from a photo I took years ago when I drove to the end of the road at Cascade Head and walked along the shore at low tide.

Strathmore Watercolor Post Cards 4×6 inches (10×15.2 cm), Platinum extra fine nib desk pen with Platinum Carbon Black ink, and Daniel Smith watercolors.
