This week I made a monotype collage, experimented with masks and with various ways to make interesting textures. I also made a larger flexible membrane plate. My initial setup was made to do 8×10 inch monotypes. My new one can do up to 12×18, which is the largest size I can scan.
I began the week with an idea. I could print multiple monotypes and paste them together to create a larger piece. I could either do this digitally on the computer or I could glue them together in a traditional collage. I decided to try it on the computer first. That way I could experiment with where to make the cuts, but first I had to make multiple monotypes.
I started with the sky for a landscape. Then I did mountains, trees, a river, and a beach.
The toughest part was visualizing the how the pieces would fit together and then matching the colors. I didn’t do any preliminary sketches.
I scanned each one and inserted them into seperate layers in my image editor (Affinity Photo on my iMac). I blended them together to make a complete picture.
Also this week I did three small (5×7 inch) texture experiments. One way to get textures is to blot the inked plate with a textured material. I used bubble wrap on the first one.
I used crinkled up and then flattened wax paper on the next one.
I also tried blotting the plate with a tissue to make cloud like textures. I printed multiple layers and used a circular mask on some of the early layers.
Finally I tested out my new larger plate. I used some masks to protect the white areas. I used crinkled up and flattened aluminium foil to create some of the textures. It looked like a complete mess until I turned it upside down and discovered the sandpiper standing on the beach.