I???m continuing to learn how to use iDoodle 2 on my iPod Touch. Today I sat in the greenhouse and did a quick sketch of the geraniums. I used the Blob tool and the Pen tool. You can set the Blob tool to fill with a gradation. It always fills from the top down so you can???t do a side to side gradation. I work from the background forward layering shapes on top of shapes to create a three dimensional image. You can zoom in to do detailed work. I did the flower in the upper right hand corner while zoomed in.
I did the sketch while looking at the scene and altered the actual location of objects to suit the composition. Here???s a reference photo I took after I was done. See if you can pick out which flowers and leaves I chose to draw.
Category: Art (page 12 of 12)
Traditional and digital art.
I???m learning to sketch with iDoodle 2 on the iPod Touch. It supports soft edges and transparency and the advanced color picker is RGB. I did the clouds using the pen tool with soft edges on and transparency set to about half way up. You can build up your color slowly. the palms were done with the blob tool. You draw a shape and it fills it in with the fill color and outlines it with the line color. The buildings were done with the blob tool also and I used the rectangle tool to draw the windows. I used the pen tool to add the bushes in the lower right.
You can save the image to your iPod???s image collection and email it to yourself. I then opened the file (jpg) in Photoshop and rotated it to be horizontal instead of vertical. The native size is 533??800 which is almost twice the size of the iPod???s screen (320??480). It looks fuzzy at this size.
This could be used to capture quick ideas on location and it???s fun once you get the hang ??of it. By the way, I???m using the??Pogo Stylus??instead of my finger for more accurate drawing.
Here???s the picture I was looking at when I drew the above image. It???s Windslow Homer???s ???Hurricane??? – a watercolor painted in Nassau.
This is one of the first drawings I did with iDoodle 2. It can do geometric shapes like the ovals for the eyes, but best of all, it can do gradient filled “Blobs” which are free form drawn shapes.
This is the first sketch I made on my iPod. It was done in the Sketches app. As you can see the possibilities are pretty limited with this tool. The color choices are few and the brush can change size but not softness. I quickly moved on to another app called iDoodle 2.