This is a test sketch using a new ink, Noodler’s Benenke Black. It is a water soluble ink that makes a rich gray when diluted with water. I painted directly with a round brush dipped in water. Earlier in the day I spread some of the ink on a 3×5 card and let it dry to use as a palette. I could then pull the ink off the card with a wet brush and apply it to the sketch. I also filled a fountain pen with the ink and used it to draw the darkest trees on the right and blended with the wet brush. I did the same with a few trees on the horizon line. I really like the slightly warm gray produced by this ink.
Canson Mix Media paper, Sheaffer Balance Black and Pearl Lifetime pen with 14K gold nib ca. 1929-30 filled with Noodler’s Benenke Black ink, and Princeton #8 round brush. Image is 7×10 inches (17.8×25.4 cm).